What Does "Free" Mean to You?

Being free of something is not as easy as you may think! And what does it mean to be free?  Free of mind, body and soul? Free to move about as you please? Free to laugh, free to smile, free to cry, free to give of yourself, free to create...free to live... Being free is all of these things, but when some people see another living freely, sharing God’s gifts, happy, smiling... they’ll try to find a way to try to confine them ... put them in their place, disrupt, try to make them feel inferior, undeserving of God’s blessings and favor... the trouble with that is, the odd thing with that is, THEY are trapped.  They are not free enough in their own mind and spirit to allow another to just live and be themselves, freely.  

I said the other day, “Never put down another person’s journey or gift...Never” for we don’t know their struggle or their heart... And we shouldn’t compare anyone’s gift, we should just appreciate one another as the unique gifts that we all are.  So, if someone wakes up one day and decides they want to clean up their community or start a youth football league or open a dessert shop in the mall or become a photo journalist or record a record... who are we to criticize this awakening? This moment of discovery, of stepping out of their shell, of fulfilling dreams? We should simply say “Right on” you are freely living your life... touching others in the process and ultimately, you are free.

Share a freeing moment…

Be free...