PERSPECTIVE - It's all about the "RITHMS" the Algorithms that is!!

It’s easy to get all twisted about the numbers and the “algorithms”... I remember doing a presentation to join “Teach for America” it was about algorithms, formulas and such... Now math ain’t my thang y’all and well, the interview obviously didn’t go as planned, cause I haven’t taught school a day in my life... but I digress... It’s all about the numbers they say! Whoever is getting the most traffic is well,... winning.  As an artist, looking at numbers that may not appear to be very beefy can be a wee bit disheartening sometimes... for example, my Spotify numbers kinda suck, but wait!!! 100 of anything does not suck, right? ... Gimme a hundred dollars, or 100 - 100 dollar bills or 100 pennies even ... it’s a lot went one looks at it that way.  While it has never been a thought to buy Spotify numbers, I hope that people will be drawn to me and my music organically.... and guess what... this month I had 122 Spotify Listeners, 347 plays on Apple Music last month, 239 YouTube listeners, 421 followers on Twitter, 921 followers on Instagram, 4,983 friends on Facebook and 1,573 followers on my Facebook Fan page... Whew!! There are the numbers! I’m excited about working to increase those numbers... I started with ZERO y’all!! So, I’m working my brand and bringing more of what God gave me to those who organically care.  Thank you so much!

So what prompted me to write this was my own lip smacking about my low Spotify numbers... but the reality is, keeping it 💯, touching 100 people, having 100, excuse me, 122 people to dig what I’m doing, WOW!!! I’m no longer dismayed... I’m excited! We want to go up from here!! My numbers are not bad according to me!

So look, I’m working hard to bring my new record “So Glad I Met You” to you on July 5 with a radio campaign beginning July 12!  We are also in production for a video to be released shortly after the record! So, we are working, HARD Y’all!! Hoping to pull this off!! Tell your friends, grab a hold to me! Let’s go, all 8,606 of us!!  And check this out, July 5 is the real Ms. Castella’s Birthday, so it’s an extra special day to release a record! My Grandmother would be so proud!! ⭐️🤍💯

I’m so glad I met you and my numbers include YOU!! It’s all about the “RITHM”

Love Castella ❤️