Positive Words - Positive Vibes - Grateful Heart

Castella Castella - I think the world of you! So professional, so talented, so humble, and so supportive of your fellow musicians! 

Michele Brown

When someone writes something like this about you, it’s inspiring, it’s humbling, it’s simply... amazing!! I’ll be honest, I pinch myself, slap myself, shake myself almost everyday because I just can’t believe what’s happening to me! I even pray a specific prayer to God every few weeks when I’m tempted to hop back into to the daily grind full time... I pray, Lord... “if this is the path I am supposed to be on, please send me a sign...” and I tell you, every time I pray this prayer, He reassures me of my journey.  The last time I prayed this prayer, He sent a pretty amazing musician, person to me... and sometimes people with amazing gifts will compliment mine! Wow! This actually happened!! It simply blows me away.  After being so structured and safe for so long, this new thing does get scary...people will do and say things that may not even be about me, but it gets to me... but then I get comments from genuinely sweet people like Michele and it’s another one of those signs to keep going... my work is not yet done.

Thank you Michele ❤️

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