Don't Look Back, You're Not Going That Way

The new year is a time for reflection, for looking forward... kind of a state of confusion in some ways... optimism  about the road ahead vs pessimism about the past, what the hell just happened?!

So me, how am I feeling, a several days into 2020? ... You guessed it, optimistic about my future and a little pessimistic about some aspects of the year I left behind...  Yeah, you guessed it, my HR career,…yes, I get a little angry about it. Just keeping it real! But the beauty is, I have my music (optimism), my gift to hold me up. My music has been with me all along. I think about my last day at work, very unassumingly carrying on, just got back from a glorious vacation, not knowing the fate awaiting me at 4:30pm. I had hung a sign on my wall of inspiration that I had purchased while in New York ... “Don’t look Back, You’re Not Going That Way”... how telling that sign was... a few hours later, I would be taking it down with all of my other inspiring words and leaving.  Inspired? That horrible event  actually gives me optimism to push forward and push through... We get used to living life and going through the motions of it, the daily grind, the comfort of it all, the security.  Looking ahead, I see uncertainty because for the first time in a long time, my path is not clearly laid out for me.  While I’m pursuing something pretty cool, (becoming Castella, the national recording artist) I don’t know where that path will lead me.  Certainly from the outside looking in, depending on who you are, I either look crazed or determined... how about a little bit of both. It’s true I am crazy determined!  But it’s a new year, it’s high time to dream and start over, right? Not do over, but start over.  Can’t change yesterday... time to continue down this twisting road of life! Crazy to think, 20 years ago we all thought the world was going to end because Y2K was here... well, it didn’t end, so the message for me, for us all, pick up your problems, put them on your back and carry on.  The world won’t end.  Drop some troubles off along the way though.  Try not to let negative things, negative unsupportive people dictate the journey... do what makes you happy and  “Don’t Look Back, You’re Not Going That Way.”  Certainly, words to live by! 

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